Are you in a Rut?

The beginning of the year was great

There are so many things we should be thankful for

Happiness is a choice we choose

Nutella+banana=best dessert combination?

This is how my mind is right now. It is currently filled with muddled up thoughts that hardly make sense.

So here is my dilemma right now. There are a dozen of random thoughts swirling in my mind … JUST swirling.

That’s it.

It’s turning round and round in circles…but it doesn’t seem to churn out good enough words that could build up a good paragraph sentence.

Is this what they call a writer’s block?

The 10th of January would probably be marked in my calendar as a good great day. It was a day filled with overwhelming emotions and achievements.

It was a day to remember. A day worth writing in the books.

  1. Achieved another milestone at WordPress

I finally broke a 100 followers. It was a feat that I simply dreamed off for a while now. It was a milestone achieved because of all of you.

To my avid readers and followers, thank you.

You have made my heart swell. You placed a smile that reached from ear to ear. YOU MADE MY DAY.

There are not enough words to express my gratitude to each and everyone of you.

Cheers to many more milestones ahead… TOGETHER.

2. I received my very first nomination ever.

Pinch me. I must be dreaming.

Thank you for believing in me when I myself doubted.

Wow just wow.

Is it alright for me to dream of something even bigger?

One of the many great things that WordPress has to offer is a really great community.

The people/creators/bloggers/readers are truly amazing. I’ve never felt this much camaraderie between writers and readers before. It is truly a blessing to meet such amazing people.

  • To find people who engage, share a piece of their thoughts and take the time to simply comment is a blessing.
    To find individuals who inspire you and to inspire others in turn was something I could have never have imagined in my wildest dreams…back in the day.

It wouldn’t have been possible without my ever supportive audience.

It wouldn’t have been possible without content that somehow connected with people.

It wouldn’t have been possible if I had given up.

But will continue to live up to everyone’s expectations?

I’d like to think that I’m not the only one who experiences a rut.

So amidst this current crisis that I am in, I jotted down 5 tips that may help avoid this sticky situation in the future.

1.Create a blogging schedule

Consistency is key to building up an interactive and dynamic audience.

Aside from being a writer, I too am an audience. Being in this perspective made me appreciate authors who are loyal to their readers.

So in order to satisfy the needs of your followers, follow a schedule and post regularly.

If posting once a week works for your schedule then great. If posting everyday is for you, continue striving hard in order to reach your deadline.

Every creator has a different pace. The best judge of one’s pace is you. Make your own schedule.

2.Interact with other bloggers. Your audience is the best source of inspiration.

Authors alike experience bad days.

Reading each other’s content, dropping a comment and most importantly interacting with each other is a great source for ideas

No man is an island. Bounce off ideas with one another.


Great content comes from numerous trials and errors. Write, write and write.

Practice makes perfect but no one is perfect so strive for consistency instead.

No one is born with a pen in one hand and a manuscript in the other.

Books worth publishing were written over numerous drafts. Great content are products of mediocre drafts that failed to make the cut.

We all have to start somewhere right?

4. Rest if you must.

We are human beings, we are not a perfectly oiled machine. Remember, we don’t run on fuel but on passion instead.

Burn out is a real thing.

We do run out of ideas. This is what makes us human.


5. Be true to yourself, no one will appreciate your work if you don’t.

Writing about something you are passionate about, is a ton easier than being force to scribble down insensible words about something you are least interested in.

Write about your passions. Write about something you love. This would surely resonate with everyone reading your work.

Authenticity sparkles beneath rubble. Dig if you must. Don’t stop until you hit a gold mine.


I’d like to think that everyone has good days where inspiration comes barging at the door.

I’d like to think that I’m not alone in experiencing bad days when thoughts and ideas are dry as a deserted land.


So what are your thoughts?


So I’m currently having “those bad days” and yes I’m sadly in a rut. With the numerous drafts I’ve made this is the only thing I’ve managed to come up with.


So before capping this off, I’d like to ask this.


After feeling a great sense pressure to produce great content, instead of succeeding you end up being in a rut instead. How do you overcome this?

Please do comment down below. I’d love to hear your inputs. To those in the same situation as me, let’s help each other out.


❤️ Eva

© 2018-2019 Dailytidbits All Rights Reserved

Photo credits: WordPress


44 thoughts on “Are you in a Rut?

  1. First of all let me say that if this what « Writer’s block » looks like well, then it’s just another way to express! I believe that stating what you feel is enough somedays and it’s blogging as well! You just gave us a clear status of what’s happening inside your mind, gave us valuable advices so I don’t know what blogging is about if it’s not that 😊 I encounter days when I feel so down that i don’t feel like doing or saying anything but I can always write about this state of mind! I’m following some bloggers that describe some daily struggle with depression and mental illnesses and they are writing what they feel even if it’s hard.
    I like the passion advice, for me it’s always better to write with passion and what do you feel instead of thinking: what I should write so the people read…we will always find people that will dislike our thoughts and many that will love and appreciate so it’s better to always write about what you love and what you feel or what’s interesting to you 🙂 what you just wrote I believe has broke the writer’s block 👍👍 keep it up! And congratulations for the 100 followers I hope the 1000 will follow!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you for dropping by yet again. It is always great seeing you.

      I think I broke my writer’s block. Hooray! I realised that the only way to overcome this is simply by writing. Writing anything so I could let out some steam. Writing to express and share my frustrations.

      We have bad days and good days thats what makes us a blogger.

      Your comments are always a breath of fresh air. It gives me strength also. Did I say thank you already?

      Cheers to finding strength in each other’s work. 🙂

      Liked by 5 people

      1. It’s always a pleasure 😊 you don’t need to thank me I’m just glad that saying what I feel is a « breath of fresh air » to some people it’s really overwhelming so thank you 😊
        Oh sure you broke it and welcome back! Looking forward to reading more thoughts 👍😊 cheers indeed!

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Everyone has different points of view when it comes to certain things. I find varying perspectives interesting not overwhelming. It makes me think and it helps me grow as a person even more.

        Glad to be back. It is all about keeping up the momentum in check. 🙂

        Liked by 3 people

  2. I couldn’t have said better than Huguette. Never be in a haste, slow and steady is how I write. I usually take inspiration when I travel in bus or train. One could never run out of ideas when you are in a place bustling with people. Every one of their faces tell a story. I try to listen them and pen them down into my story. wishing you all the best eeevvaa 😛

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hey there! It’s great seeing you again. I’m always grateful to see you.

      I like that suggestion, going to a place bustling with people is a fantastic way to fish for of inspiration. What is it about people that sparks some creativity in us?

      -Eeevaaa (loving the nickname by the way :))

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I think you did exactly what you were supposed to do. this idea of a rut or being blocked is garbage in my opinion and this article to me proves it. Because you say you are in a rut, yet you just provided great content. I think the true reality of writing great content is perspective. Some days my perspective is rosy and full of sunshine, and somedays it is cloudy and full of despair. But if I am being honest, I still have a voice and talking about feeling down is just as inspiring as talking about being up. We are human we do not exist on clouds floating weightless in the sky with out a care. Things happen, we hurt, we bleed, we cry, we laugh, and we love.
    That is why I believe there is no block there is only my level of willingness to write honestly from the exact space where I am in the moment. And I see that you did that in this post and look at it. It is wonderful content.
    I get fired up about this stuff because I believe that we are all gifted in so many different ways but that we allow certain emotional states to knock us down at times and tell us we shouldnt be doing something or we have nothing of value to offer because we dont have a glass half full perspective at the moment. It is just not true. We have our life and our experience and as long as we are still breathing we have an immense amount of value to offer others. Keep writing no matter how you feel as honestly as possible, it is beautiful work. Have a great day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Reading this once wasn’t enough, reading it the second time gave me goosebumps, reading it again for the third time gave me even more opportunity to absorb all the beautiful things you’ve said.

      Thank you for your kind words. The feeling of being appreciate most especially for one’s work and effort is overwhelming. To be recognised and acknowledge by my own readers is … well… you left me speechless.

      Everything boils down to perspective. Thank you for pointing that out. Our work and success should not barred by feelings and various emotional states.

      Feelings are fleeing. So it is up to our words to immortalise what we feel.

      When things happen like you pointed out earlier, when we hurt, we bleed, we cry, we laugh and we love… it is best to write about it.

      Your words made my day even greater, my wish for you is the same as well. Have a great day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I get the whirlwind of thoughts regularly with anxiety, but I also get the stuck-in-a-rut feeling quite often, not just with being stuck with writing but in life in general. It can be a vicious circle to get out from under, but you’ve given some great tips to keep blogging ticking over and feeling fresh! Congrats on your WP milestone! I think while we have something to say and something to offer the world, there’s something to write and something uniquely ours to blog about.xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for dropping by and checking out my blog. I really appreciate it:)

      Im really glad this connected with you. To be given an opportunity to share these feelings and frustrations with other writers is a blessing.

      Have a great day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Every once in a while I need to give myself a break – go for a walk, listen to the sounds of nature. Just be in the moment. This helps me not only to put all the random thoughts in order, but it helps me to visualize. For some one who is in a rut, you have done a great job providing things to think about!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you very much for dropping by and leaving a comment. Thank you for your kind words as well.

      Those are excellent tips in order to keep those creative juices flowing. Im glad to hear that i left you with a lot to think about. It means I did my job well.

      Have a great day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by. I really appreciate it.

      Wow. I’m so touched and overwhelmed by your kind words. I’m glad that I could share my frustrations and learnings to those who love blogging as well.

      I wish you luck in your journey ahead. I can’t wait to read your future work.

      Have a great day 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations on your blogging achievements! And it looks like you are already moving well past the 100 followers milestone too 🙂 We all definitely go through ruts or experience writer’s block. It looks like you’ve already got some great advice plus have moved your way through it yourself. But I’ll concur with just writing during those times. If you can’t find what to say, just write something. A string of thoughts or whatever. Then come back and fill in the gaps. Writing anything is the key to getting started 🙂

    And great idea with the schedule. I keep a strict schedule since that works well for me. One thing I would recommend to avoid feeling too much pressure though is sometime when you are really in the zone and doing well with writing, make a couple extra posts to save that you can use during a time you just need a break. That way they are ready and waiting for you to just hit publish and you don’t feel like you are neglecting your blog when you need extra time for you. Good luck with all of your blogging goals! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by again Kay, I’m really glad to see you again.

      Your idea about making a couple of posts ahead is a brilliant idea. We do have days where all the inspiration and words would just fall down the sky so its best to make use of this opportunity and stock as much work as i can.

      Have a great day and thank you again for your words of wisdom:)

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by. I’m really glad and honoured that you found this helpful.

      Welcome to the blogging world. 😊 Enjoy this wonderful journey 😊


  7. First of all congratulations on crossing 100+ followers 😊
    You’ve given key points for blogging.

    Coming to question asked at the end, actually recently I was going through same phase. I was not able to write on my blog.

    So one thing I can say is when you aren’t able to write anything & so many thoughts are going on your mind then write those thoughts & make a post out of it.
    That’s what I did & It really helped.

    I hope this helps😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. I’m very glad that this post became quite relatable to people and most especially with you.

      When you’ve got problems most especially when it comes to writing, the best solution to this problem is to write, write, write .

      Thank you for your words of wisdom and for sharing your thoughts. Have a great day 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. True that. Writing is one & only solution . But also it is tough at time like that.

        Glad to come across your blog 😊
        Have a great day too

        Liked by 1 person

  8. The “creating schedule” step is what I struggle with. I tend to procrastinate at times and although I’ll have some articles written already or about to be completed, I always tend to delay in my posting. I used to schedule a post every alternate day, but that added so much pressure on me to churn out more articles…it became super stressful. And I didn’t want this to affect the quality of my research.

    I think scheduling is a really difficult thing to do. Bu i’m slowly understanding what pace works for me, such that it doesn’t affect the quality of my work and keeps readers entertained. The hope is to fine-tune this and set up a rock-solid scheduling pattern soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand you completely. I tend to procrastinate and leave everything up to the last minute.. which makes everything even more stressful.

      I really enjoy your articles. It’s so informative and it provides me with a lot of information. I do love a animals but knowledge about animals is not within my scope of expertises. So your blog is a heaven’s sent. Don’t pressure yourself too much. Don’t pressure yourself to a point where if affects the quality of your research. I can wait 😊

      My scheduling too is still a work in progress but I’ve managed to find a time line that works well with my day to day life. I love blogging but it doesn’t pay for my meals and basic necessities. So it sorta has to adjust with my reality.

      Thank you for dropping by and sharing your thoughts. I really appreciate it 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I like the way you are honest. All the best.. Reading This post i remeber my journey when I decided to take a leap of faith to write.. Today the blog is viewed in 104 countries but it all began with that first step..

    Keep going… I honestly like your writeups.. Keep going..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow thank you for the overwhelming complements. I truly feel very flattered.

      It takes a great leap of faith to get to where we are. Congratulations on your amazing milestone. Being viewed in 104 countries is an amazing feat.

      I too took a leap of faith just last year. And I’m glad I did. This whole experience is amazing. Back then I was itching to write and write but my current work does not cultivate creativity quite well. I was scared on how my blog would be perceived. Glad I took that leap of faith. 😊

      Again. Thank you for your kind words 😊


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